Industry Insights

Photography Trends: The Sparkle

You know that little glimmer on the glass, or the shiny speck next to a delicious piece of fruit? Yeah, that's the sparkle we're talking about. It's like this hazy, nostalgic filter that gives your photos that extra oomph. I've totally been guilty of adding sparkles to my pics too, just to jazz them up a bit.

I gotta say, it's a game-changer for photography. It really makes your photos pop and turns them into eye candy. It’s often used for indulgent, close-up tasty imagery. It's been a hot trend for a few years now, and it doesn't seem to be losing steam anytime soon.

But hey, like all trends, it might fade out eventually. For now, though, sparkles are here to stay. Adding that extra sprinkle of magic to your snapshots can really make your photo from good to great. If you haven’t tried it, I would definitely give it a try. There is an easy way to create a brush in Photoshop. I definitely think it looks more authentic if you use a camera lens filter. There’s a lot of fun ones out right now to spruce up you photography. Back in 2017, there was even a popular app called KiraKira that allowed you to take Instagram photos with a filtered shine in the photography.

This trend transcends beyond food photography. Even the fashion industry has taken over glitter and shine as a statement in its clothes and photography. Vogue Arabia published an article written by Christine Van Deemter titled, “ Why Is the World Obsessed with Sparkles? Decoding the Shimmering Trend’s Undeniable Charm”.

It has been a tool for self-expression and rebellion...It takes pieces in a more outgoing, daring direction and it adds a bit of playfulness and confidence.
— Quote written by Christine Van Deemter

Seeing the parallels between fashion and food it makes sense that creators gravitate to the exaggerated shimmer and shine in their work and photography. It gives emphasis and intrigue to even the simplest photo.

I’d love to know your thoughts on this trend and what else you have been seeing lately in the photography world.

Links are attached to the photos*