
32 Lessons in 32 Years

This month, I turned the big 3-2 years of age. I know, I know, it’s young in the grand scheme of things, but this is the oldest I’ve ever been so it feels older. I feel older. This was the first year, I was almost in denial about my age, the thirties just seem to be going by so fast!

Anyways, I digress. Here are thirty-two things that I’ve learned in thirty-two years. Things that as I look back on my life, I can say have been seeds of wisdom in my life and have brought me to where I am today. I’d love to know which lesson resonates with you the most!

1. Your habits come from the stories you tell about yourself. Every action is a vote for the person you want to become.

2. No matter how old you are, there’s always going to be someone older than you are telling you how young you are. So enjoy your age and don’t try to wish it away! Be grateful for where you are in life. There are some people who didn’t make it to the age that you are.

3. Marriage is a blessing. But it’s not a reward for doing something right. And singleness is not a punishment for doing something wrong or being wrong.

4. Life is painful. It’s unfair. But if you are willing to live long enough and to push through the dark days, you will see a brighter day.

5. Joy is the unconditional acceptance of your life exactly how it is. It’s not waiting for things to change to be content. Not in complacency, but rather acceptance.

6. Ask don’t assume.

7. You cannot solve a problem with the same level of thinking that got you there. - Einstein

8. If you tried to eliminate all the fear and problems that could possibly happen by trying something new, you’d be forever stuck on your parent’s couch because bad things can happen at anytime, anywhere. Don’t let this stop you from living a full life.

9. In the mind of a beginner there are so many possibilities, in the mind of an expert there are few.

10. Ask yourself: What are the limiting beliefs that I need to take away?

11. Where all think a like, no one thinks very much. - Walter Lippmann

12. The biggest gift you can give yourself is to understand that you won’t always fit in.

13. A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.

14. Your competition isn’t other people. Your competition is your procrastination. Your ego. The unhealthy food you’re consuming, the knowledge you neglect. The negative behavior you’re nurturing and your lack of creativity. Compete against that.

15. No results? Keep working. Bad results? Keep working. Great results? Keep working. Consistency is key.

16. You can’t control everything. But there will always be one thing you can control. How you respond. - Brandon Turp

17. Don’t allow yourself to wake up with yesterday’s issues troubling your mind. Refuse to live backwards; see every day as a new chapter.

18. There comes a point that we have to stop choosing people who don’t choose us.

19. There is a purpose for everyone you meet. Some people will test you, some will use you, some will bring out the best in you, but everyone will teach you something about yourself.

20. Without rain nothing grows. Learn to embrace the storms in your life.

21. A good marriage isn’t something you find, it’s something you make, and you have to keep on making it.

22. If you’re willing to spend 8 hours per day working on someone else’s dream — you can afford to spend 1 working on your own.

23. What’s meant for you will flow into your life effortlessly. You don’t have to stress, worry, chase, or fight for it.

24. There’s someone out there who’s way less qualified than you — living the life you want. Simply because they took action.

25. So much of our happiness depends on how we choose to look at the world.

26. If your job is costing you your mental health, your passion, your relationships, your physical health, the spark inside of you, your joy, the things that make you who you are… it’s too expensive.

27. You won’t care how long it took when it shows up, remember that. Persist, persist, persist because it’s already yours.

28. Stop letting people speak their fears into your plans.

29. Life is a mirror of your consistent thoughts.

30. Hard times reveal true friends.

31. Be careful what you tolerate, you are teaching people how to treat you.

32. There’s something about learning to live with a positive curiosity — to course-correct the constant wondering of what may be going wrong…Turn your capacity to downboard-think into something that supports your growth. - Brianna Wiest

Let me know below what quote resonated with you the most!